How Much Is Too Much Screen Time For Kids?

New research suggests that too much screen time can be bad for children’s health. With the rapid advancement in technology, children are now more exposed to the use of devices such as smartphones and tablets than ever before. Parents should be mindful of how much time their children are spending on these devices, and set reasonable expectations for when and how long they can use them. It is important to establish a healthy balance between digital media consumption and traditional activities such as playing outside or engaging in family activities. Parents should also be aware of the potential risks associated with too much screen time, such as poor physical health and social skills, and be proactive in monitoring their children’s usage.  Here are some ways to limit your child’s screen time.

1. Set limits and boundaries with your child. Establishing limits and boundaries around screen time is an important part of parenting in the modern digital age. Allowing your child too much screen time can have negative health and developmental effects. Create a plan to set limits and establish boundaries for your child’s screen time that are appropriate to their age and development. This includes setting a daily limit, monitoring what they watch, and ensuring that other activities such as exercise and socialization are also prioritized. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your child’s screen time is both healthy and productive.  To set time limits and boundaries in content they are able to access, there are now many apps available to assist in granting or denying access on a per device basis or even on a network-wide basis.

2. Limit the amount of time they spend watching TV or playing video games. Recent studies have shown that too much screen time can lead to negative effects on mental and physical health. To help counteract this, it is important for parents to limit the amount of time their children spend not only on mobile devices, but also with watching TV or playing video games. Not only will limiting TV or video game time help protect children from the potential health risks associated with excessive media consumption, but it will also provide more opportunities for physical activity and social interaction. Setting clear boundaries on screen time can be beneficial to a child’s overall health and wellbeing.  There is no right answer when it comes to the optimal amount of screen time your child should be exposed to.  Generally, the less the better as the issue is limiting screen time, rather than providing more screen time.  As a general rule, an hour per day is a good amount to aim for.

3. Don’t let them use technology in bed, at school or during meals. Allowing children to use technology in bed and during meals can lead to an unhealthy reliance on devices and should be avoided. Parents should instead encourage their children to engage in activities that are more beneficial and engaging, such as reading a book or going outside to play. By setting clear boundaries, parents can help ensure their children get the most out of their childhoods. Bed time should be reserved for sleeping only.  Using devices in bed can confuse their bodies and prevent them from getting optimal rest.  School should be focused on learning and while devices may be necessary for school work, it is important that the focus remains on learning. Devices being used for play during learning time can be more harmful or distracting than helpful.  Of course, some apps use play to aid with learning, but it is a fine line and you must use your own discretion and make the right decision for your child.  As such, meal times are often a cornerstone activity for families to stay connected and stay up to date with each others’ lives.  Devices used for the wrong purpose in any of these situations can cause distractions and loss of focus.

4. Make sure they get enough physical activity by walking or biking to school or after-school activities. Be sure to encourage physical activity in children. One way to do this is to make sure they are walking or biking to school or after-school activities when possible. This helps to ensure that they are getting the proper amount of exercise, while also reducing the amount of time spent in front of a screen. Additionally, it can help to create a sense of community within a neighborhood as children get outside and interact with their peers.  Especially as children are growing and developing, many studies show that a well-rounded
balance of play in all forms is healthy for proper development, including playing with others, alone, inside and outside.

5. Encourage healthy eating habits by limiting junk food purchases and setting a good example yourself. Limiting junk food purchases and setting a good example for healthy eating habits is a great way to help reduce the amount of time children spend in front of screens. A balanced diet is essential for children’s development, both physically and mentally, and it can be difficult to maintain this when too much time is spent consuming unhealthy snacks while playing video games or watching television. Establishing healthy eating habits can help create a healthier lifestyle overall and lead to more time being spent away from screens.

6. Ask your child about their screen time habits and make sure they’re not spending excessive amounts of time on devices alone. It is recommended that parents have an open and honest dialogue with their children about their device use and that they create limits and rules around usage. It is also important to ensure that children are not spending too much time alone on devices, as this can be a cause of social isolation or make them vulnerable to cyber attacks or online predators. Parents should make sure to take an active role in monitoring their child’s online habits and make sure that they are engaging in healthy and balanced activities.

7. Offer support when needed by talking with your child about the negative effects of too much screen time and how to avoid it in the future. Talk to your child about the dangers of excessive screen time and make yourselves available to provide support and guidance when needed. Try to establish a healthy balance of screen time and other activities, such as outdoor activities or reading a book, so that your child can develop healthy habits now that will continue into adulthood. If your child needs someone to play with or spend time with, you may find a shared interest or hobby that you can regularly do with your child.  Or you may arrange more play times with other children from school or your neighborhood. Children will often make the choice to play with others when given the opportunity

In conclusion, it is clear that too much screen time can have a negative impact on mental and physical health. Research has shown that limiting screen time can improve physical activity levels, reduce anxiety, and increase personal focus and concentration. It is important for individuals to take their health seriously by setting limits around screen time and finding alternative activities that promote physical and mental well-being.